Do you think that Any Normal Human Being can chat with God?
Do you think that creater of this whole Universe Chats?
But an Online Application made it Possible to chat with God.
I am not Joking
Actually Igod is an Intelligence Robot answering Machine.Now here the Robots Finds Work of just doing reply to the people chat.Igod chat provides you with accurate answers whatever that you type and you never feel that you are chatting with an automated application.It is a greates applic
ation to spend time when you are feeling lonely.
- IGOD Applicatiion can be accessed at here.
- On their Homepage click on the Enter Button at Right-Bottom corner of the Screen.
- Now a New Pop up window will open asking you to select a skin for Chat Window.
But you will really see the conversation to be quite in
teresting as you would not be the only who would sharing his problems with God.,but you will also see God Sharing Emotions and Problems with you.
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